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Join our TELEGRAM channel, where we share the best ads, latest news and important information!
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Forum use, private messaging, adding to favorites, search alert, automatic application form filling, get contact information for free ads, secret offers.
In addition to the above functions: posting an ad, revealing hidden applicants, get contact information from the profiles of other users, secret offers and countless new features.
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For us, your safety comes first!
Our goal is to offer verified, safe and real job offers, so we use 3 types of badges to mark the qualification of individual ads, advertisers, and our users! The badges appear on all ads and on our user's profile!
In addition to multiple credit uploads and classified ad highlighting, the user has already ordered a main page job offer! The user provided billing information and contact details, which we checked and are real!
The user has already topped up credit by card payment or bank transfer and highlighted a classified ad, so we were able to check him! The user provided billing data and contact information and we checked their authenticity.
80% are job-seeking users who have not yet added credit, have not yet used a paid service, and have not provided their billing information! Also advertisers who have not highlighted their ad, so they use free classified ads!
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15 862 Subscriber
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Forum use, private messaging, adding to favorites, search alert, automatic application form filling, get contact information for free ads, secret offers.
In addition to the above functions: posting an ad, revealing hidden applicants, get contact information from the profiles of other users, secret offers and countless new features.
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For us, your safety comes first!
Our goal is to offer verified, safe and real job offers, so we use 3 types of badges to mark the qualification of individual ads, advertisers, and our users! The badges appear on all ads and on our user's profile!
In addition to multiple credit uploads and classified ad highlighting, the user has already ordered a main page job offer! The user provided billing information and contact details, which we checked and are real!
The user has already topped up credit by card payment or bank transfer and highlighted a classified ad, so we were able to check him! The user provided billing data and contact information and we checked their authenticity.
80% are job-seeking users who have not yet added credit, have not yet used a paid service, and have not provided their billing information! Also advertisers who have not highlighted their ad, so they use free classified ads!
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15 862 Subscriber
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