Join our TELEGRAM channel, where we share the best ads, latest news and important information!

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You can use your login details, your profile and your uploaded credits on all (9) RED-LIFE advertising sites. You can find the language (page) selection at the top of the website!

Join our TELEGRAM channel, where we share the best ads, latest news and important information!

Frequently asked questions & answers, information, feature descriptions from all Red-Life advertising sites

  • We have introduced many useful and important features over the years to filter out problematic or fake job offers and profiles!
  • We will explain how the site works, from the basic functions to ranking advertisers, email and sms notifications and credit uploading!
  • Find out more about how the Red-Life advertising sites launched in 2014 and how it has grown and worked since then!
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User ranking (Unverified // Verified // Verified and Recommended)

All our registered users are checked to the best of our ability to filter out false job offers and problematic users, whether they are advertisers or job seekers! Each user goes through several filters, so based on their contact details, their data, our experience and various routines we have developed, we have defined 3 different user ratings.

Our mission is to provide our jobseekers verified, safe and real adult job offers, so we use 3 different badges to indicate the rating of each advertisement and advertiser! The badges are displayed in the contact box of each ad, in the view of all ad listings and in the advertiser's profile!

Not verified user: 80% are job-seeking users who have not yet added credit, have not yet used a paid service, and have not provided their billing information! Also advertisers who have not highlighted their ad, so they use free classified ads! Therefore, we have not yet been able to verify them!

Verified user: They uploaded credits, gave us their billing information and contact details, which we verified! They had highlighted their classifieds and had several people applied for it!

Verified and Recommended User: In addition to multiple credit uploads and ad highlighting, they have already ordered a RECOMMENDED JOB AD or an advertising package. We are in constant and regular contact with recommended advertisers, we know not only their billing details, but all the details of their business, web address, location and all the important information about them!

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Registration, Login, Password reminder

Many features only available after registration (login):
For job seekers: use forums, private messaging, add to favourites, searchalert, fast - half-automatic application, contact details for free ads.
For advertisers, in addition to the above functions: post ads, reveal hidden applicants, get contact details of users.

New registrations and all existing users who change their details will be checked! A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided during registration, with a link: click on it to confirm your registration! During registration you can also enter your phone number, which is optional but recommended, because you can receive important system messages via SMS: credit top-up, ad highlight and ad expiry reminder.

You can also register with 1 click by using your social media site (Facebook, Twitter, Google), in which case the registration will be done using the contact details you have provided there.
You cannot enter contact details for a username, as they will be deleted immediately.
To log in, you can use your email address or username, or your international phone number (+44....).

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Profile, personal details

You can use your login details, profile and uploaded credits on all (9) RED-LIFE advertising sites (language selector in the top right corner) and on all 3 of our partner sites (,,

If you have set your phone number in your profile, you can decide whether it should be public: visible to all other registered users. If you do not enable it, your phone number will be hidden from everyone and you will only receive important system messages from us via SMS! Your phone number will never be visible to Google!

You cannot set a pornographic or too nude picture as a profile photo, because we will delete it immediately! We only allow underwear or semi-nude pictures and do not include contact details, as they will be deleted immediately!
Fill out your profile with detailed information, to become a useful member of our community (languages spoken, where you are looking for or offering work)!
Set a short unique display name, which can be your nickname or your first name (it will appear next to all your content).

How can I delete my profile? Send an email to [email protected] from your registered email address and explain why you want to be removed.

Why was my profile deleted? Our goal is for all advertisers to have 1 real profile! If you register multiple profiles for yourself, we can verify this in different ways and automatically delete duplicate profiles.

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Private messaging

A private message can be sent between 2 registered users and the recipient will be notified by email! You can send a maximum of 5 messages per day to filter out unwanted users who want to send SPAM-like bulk messages.

It is FORBIDDEN to send contact details (phone number, email address, web address, facebook name, etc.)! Contact details will be automatically deleted from your messages and if you try more than once, we will automatically inactivate your profile! You can inquire about the job offer, vacancies or ask any other questions you may have, but you can only apply for the job through the contact details or application form in the ad! Click on the name of the recipient to view the user's profile, where you can check out their content (ads, forum comments).

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Apply, contacting

Contacting means: the number of filled out application forms and the number of times someone has viewed the contact details in the advertisement (phone number, e-mail address, web - using the 'show' button).

In each advertisement, you can enter your name, email address, phone number (optional) and set up via which free apps you are available (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram). You can write a short description and upload up to 3 photos. After filling out the application form, the advertiser will receive an email with the details and pictures filled out by the applicant and a reminder the next day, so it is up to the advertiser to contact the applicant.

During the application process, always be careful to check the advertiser's ranking (verified/unverified/verified and recommended) and decide which photos to include and what information to provide about yourself. Never send nude or full-face photos to free ads. If you are satisfied after the first contact that the ad is real and communicates 'normally', gives the information requested and answers all your questions in a completely realistic way, then of course send the necessary pictures and information about yourself.

In free classified ads, the advertiser's contact details are not displayed, but by filling out the application form, the advertiser will receive the applicant's photos and message! They can then login to the site, reveal the contact details of the applicant (payable) with 1 click and contact the applicant immediately. Contact details are also visible in featured ads, but if you fill out the application form, the advertiser will immediately receive your application by email with all your details, contact details and pictures.

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GMAIL warning

If you have something(@)gmail(.)com email address, you may not receive important email notifications (applicants, notifications of expired ads, credit uploads, private messages)! Regularly check your SPAM folder and if you find any emails we have sent you, we will ask you to click on the 'THIS IS NOT SPAM' button at the top of our emails - you will then receive the emails! You can also check the Mark as important option, which will increase the chances of not getting SPAM.

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Posting, editing, highlighting, pre-ranking

All submitted or modified ads will be checked immediately or within a few hours! If the ad contains any illegal or clearly untrue statements, or if we have experienced any other problems with it, we may delete it immediately!
Do not write contact details in the title, text or slogan of the ad, because we will automatically delete it! We do not allow contact details in the images attached to the ad (except for advertisers with an advertising package).

When submitting an advertisement, preferably include a long, detailed ad text with all the important information about your job offer! Select the country and city where the job will be located, set the appropriate category and specify the average expected earnings! Enter your real and working email address and phone number. If you misspell your email address, you will not receive any applications, and ads with an incorrect email address will be deleted!

You can have 3 active free and unlimited number of highlighted classifieds online altogether! Posting a classified ad is free, but it comes with restrictions: your contact details will not be displayed and 1 free contacting will be allowed in the form of an application form (with contact details)! If you don't highlight your classified ad, you will still receive your applicants not revealed (contact details hidden), which you can reveal one by one.
After highlighting an ad, you will be first in the list with a striking background colour and your contact details will be visible, so more people can contact you much faster and more people will be able to contact you, and you will receive the application forms (with contact details) by email! While highlighting, you also have the option to purchase a noticeable ribbon to place on your profile picture that can provide additional information to those interested!

In your profile, you will find your submitted ads under 'My Classifieds'. You can see the status of your ads (whether the ad is displayed or not), the number of views and contactings, and the STATISTICS, where you can view the performance of your ads on a daily basis! Here you can also highlight, edit or inactivate your ad.
Using the GO TO THE TOP button you can 'just' move your ad to the top of the listings: if it is a highlighted ad it will jump to the top of all highlighted ads, if it is a free ad it will jump to the top of free ads.

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Credit top-up, account, spending

After credit upload you can highlight an ad and use other paid features. The value of 1 credit is 1 EUR, so where the price of a particular highlight or service is given in EUR, the price is the same in credits. You can use your credits on all (9) RED-LIFE advertising sites (language selector in the top right corner) and on all 3 of our partner sites (,,

We issue VAT invoices for payments, which you can download from your profile page. After logging in, you will find details of how you spent your credits in your profile (My Spending). You will only be able to highlight your ad once we have added the credit to your account, of which you will receive an SMS and email notification immediately!

Credit top-ups are possible by card payment and external payment link, as well as by bank transfer and Bitcoin. After choosing the credit amount, enter your billing details: full name (first name and last name), country - city - street - house number where you live. Depending on the country you live in, the VAT rate will vary and will be automatically calculated when you top up your credit (details on VAT here). If you will be paying with your company card or account number, it is mandatory that you provide your company name and tax number.

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Card payment

Card payment: Temporarily, you can only pay with Mastercard on the site, as our independent card payment partner cannot process VISA cards at the moment. Our company and Red-Life staff do not store or have access to your card number and data! Sensitive text and information will not appear on your card and account statement! We use the latest 3D Secure Code for all transactions, which ensures secure online shopping!

After you enter and send your card details, you will receive a short code from your bank via SMS, which you must enter as a verification, or a PUSH message will pop up in your bank's app, which, when clicked and enabled, will immediately complete the transaction.

Rejected, unsuccessful transactions: your bank may reject the transaction for unknown reasons // there are not enough funds on the card // you have entered the wrong name, card number, expiry date, security code // you have not authorised the transaction using the 3D Secure Code.
You can try to use another card or check the details you entered again, or you can tell your bank that you wanted to pay. Transactions with a declined status will not be deducted from your card, which you can check via your internet banking.

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Other payment methods

External payment link: Upon your request, we will generate and send you 1 secure external payment link via email and SMS, which you can click to pay with VISA and all other cards with 0% processing fee. The external payment link will include your unique ID number, which will allow us to see that the transaction belongs to you and will also include the amount you set in the quantity (you can request a link for a unique amount - minimum 40 credits). If your transaction is successful, we will be notified immediately and we will manually add the credits to your profile every day from 09.00-24.00, and you will receive email and SMS notifications! The words related to Red-Life pages will NOT appear on your account statement!

You can only use the external payment link once and then you have to order a new one each time, and it is just as secure as making a payment on Red-Life sites, as our company is contracted with the payment gateway that provides the external payment link.

Bank transfer to our company account: The minimum payment by bank transfer is 150 credits. We will send you our company account number and transfer information once we have verified your billing information is complete. You must send the transfer from your own name (or company name) as provided in your billing information.

Within 12-24 hours, your transfer will be received and your credit will be instantly credited to your account, and you will receive an email and SMS notification immediately!

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Get a Mastercard card

If you don't have a Mastercard card yet, here are a few ways to get one easily and use it (also) with us. MasterCard offers a few options on its website:
- Paypal prepaid MasterCard card:
All you need is a Paypal account, order online and you'll receive your order by post within 7-10 working days. You can activate it in your Paypal account and transfer money to it, which you can use to pay us immediately (also).

- Revolut prepaid MasterCard card:
Revolut is known and trusted worldwide, and you can use it to transfer money, buy cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, etc.) and invest. You can (also) pay with your MasterCard card, and you can even generate a one-time card number, which changes after every payment. They have a professional application, so you have everything under control!

- Giftcards:

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About Bitcoin payment

To top up your credits, select Bitcoin payment, then:
- You copy the address of our bitcoin wallet from the site (QR code also available)
- If you're buying in cash or with a card in person, you can find the nearest Bitcoin machine, watch the tutorial video and buy as much Bitcoin as you need.
- You enter our wallet address where you want the Bitcoin to arrive when you make your purchase.
- You email us at [email protected] preferably with your registered email address, so that we can identify the transaction and credit it to your profile immediately.
- If you want to pay from your phone at home, you can register at, where you can buy bitcoins by bank transfer, or you can buy bitcoins in Revolut's online banking app.

Bitcoin ATMs worldwide by clicking here!

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Get contact details from free classifieds

Contact details are not shown in the free classifieds, but interested applicants have the option to REQUEST the contact details (phone number, viber, whatsapp, email, web address) provided in the ad, which is payment required, so registration / login / credit upload is required to access this feature.

You can only retrieve the contact details for ads where they have been provided! Where no phone number is given, we will indicate it for you in the ad! All phone numbers are verified to the best of our ability, so you're almost guaranteed to retrieve a real, working phone number. Please note, free classifieds are not verified advertisers!

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Get contact details from the user's profile

Our users who are looking for a job or offering a job also have the option to set their contact details in their profile to be public, so that their contact details can be requested by other registered users ("payment required"). You can access our users' profile from the all users menu, in the contact box of each job advertisement, in forum comments and in private messages.

By clicking on the REQUEST button next to the user's contact details on the user's profile page (payment required), we will immediately show you the user's contact details, which you can view later also.

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E-mail and SMS alerts, newsletter, unsubscribe, searchalert

By registering or completing the application form, you agree to the Red-Life terms and conditions, including receiving email and SMS notifications and newsletters. We will never spam or send you junk mail. At the bottom of each email you will find the information you need to unsubscribe! Unsubscribe is possible with 1 click on the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the newsletter emails, or if you do not wish to receive any emails from us, this will result in your profile being deleted.

- We will send our advertisers e-mail and SMS notifications after the advertisement has been highlighted and expired, and also after credits have been uploaded! In addition, we may also occasionally send other ad highlights or newsletters showcasing our services.
- For our jobseeker users, we only send email notifications after using the site's features: private message, forum comment, contact request. In addition, we may sometimes send a newsletter-like email with useful and important information and job offers!

- At the top of the classifieds list, you can set up an email alert at the top of the search box to receive job offers that are relevant to you. Every 2 days we will send you an email with new job offers (ads) that are important to you, which you can unsubscribe from at any time in your profile!
- You can subscribe to more than one category and/or country: if you are interested in 'adult job' only in 'Switzerland', then set the category 'adult job' and the country 'Switzerland'.

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The reporting function is available in the contact box of each ad, in forum comments, on the user profile page and for advertisers in the applicants' area.

Only report content if you have found clearly untrue information or illegal activity. If you have a personal problem with the content, please tell your story in as much detail as possible. All reports will be taken seriously and investigated in detail as soon as possible, and the whistleblower will be informed!

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About us, the story of Red-Life

In 2014, the first Red-Life ad site was launched in Hungarian only, with minimal features. At that time, there were no specifically adult job sites, so there was a great demand for a portal that was reliable and offered a full range of adult jobs.

One of our goals was to create a reliable and trustworthy advertising site where jobseekers and advertisers could easily and safely contact each other. It was important for us to be able to filter out all the 'problem' ads, so we invested a lot of effort and money in developing and testing security features. Over the years, we have gained a lot of experience and have managed to ensure that Red-Life advertising sites now only feature verified, safe and fair job offers.

In 2016, the Red-Life job ad network was already operational in 7 languages and 9 countries, with more than 50,000 job offers in Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, Polish, Romanian, English and German.

For each language, we have built up the sites' traffic, popularity, and the translation of content and ads with the help of local native speakers in the country. We have managed to rank first on google for all important 'adult work' keywords in all languages and have more and more registered users every day. We are also present on social networking sites (facebook, instagram, twitter, tik-tok), reaching our more than 10.000 followers with trendy and modern video shares and useful and important articles.

In 2018, we also launched the Spanish Red-Life ad site, bringing our overall coverage to 12 ad sites in 8 languages across Europe and most countries worldwide. Since then, Red-Life has become the most popular adult job classifieds site in Hungary, Europe and probably the world.

Among our permanent team members you can find valuable colleagues such as Sales Managers / Administrators / Creative Graphic Designer / Senior Programmer Developer / Senior Project Manager / Accountant - Secretary - Assistant! Our permanent team consists of Translators - Interpreters, who are not full time but available 24 hours a day and translate English, German, Slovak, Czech, Polish, Romanian, Spanish!

The world's fastest and most modern Amazon servers ensure secure, fast and reliable operation. Our sites use HTTPS certificates and card payments are protected by 256-bit encryption. All Red-Life ad sites are protected by the world's leading security company against hacking, Ddos and other attacks, which we've had plenty of. The 100,000+ emails sent per month are secured by 2 of our own high-capacity SMTP servers, and SMS are also sent via our own SMS gateway.

Over the past 10 years we have spent an unimaginable amount of time developing and translating Red-Life advertising sites, inventing new features and designing them, which of course involves huge expenses even today, as a professional online business needs to be constantly developed and built upon.

When uploading credits or ordering an ad, always remember that our fixed monthly maintenance costs have become extremely high by 2023, but revenue is also essential for the flawless and smooth running of the sites, and we are constantly investing a large part of this revenue in the development of the sites!

Red-Life is operated by European Union VAT registered companies, so we issue a VAT invoice for all income and pay the relevant VAT and taxes in each country.

The statistical numbers, data and volumes on our advertising pages are constantly changing automatically and are displayed either by our own database or by Google Analytics or Search Console. There is no tricks, just the real data from them, which reflects the overall strength of Red-Life.

In general, the Red-Life advertising pages (8 languages, 12 domains) reach 5000+ visitors per day looking for and offering adult jobs, who have filled out a total of 140751 application forms. We have displayed 65689 job offers and 812822 job seekers have contacted our advertisers.
in numbers (statistics 1 month - 3 months -1 year)
Sources: Google Analytics and webmaster tools
26 756 +12%

unique users from UK used the advertising site 112304 times during the past month!

74 338 +14%

times were clicked on our UK site & we appeared 764015 times in Google in the last 3 months!

252 004 +8%

times were clicked on our site from UK & we appeared in Google 2639414 times in the last 1 year!

Basic concepts

The erotic adult work is a job, that only a 18+ person can do, because it includes sexual services and in return, the client pays money or buy expensive gifts. The sexworker's service can include almost anything, even adult job without sex eg. fetish jobs, femdom, massage job, hostess job, webcam job or dancing, but the choice is always yours, nobody can force you to do sexwork. Usually we distinguish between incall and outcall erotic jobs, so the sexworker can work in a studio, private salon or brothel, or it can be outcall, so they meet somewhere with the guest, that can be a hotel, the client's house or anywhere else.. And also it doesn't matter if you are boy or girl or trans or even your sexual orientation, because any adult person can be an escort or a sexworker.

Most people think that escort work is only sex work, but it really means companionship, e.g. wealthy men who are lonely or just want to have fun pays for an escort girl's time, to be with her. They want to skip the dating part, and jump to the best time ever, so basically these men want to hire a girlfriend for only a short term. We call it outcall, if the guest orders the company to their hotel room, home or weekend house etc.. There are VIP or High Class escort girls also, who are especially expensive and only the richest can pay for their escort work services, which include the 'GFE' girlfriend experience, which means that the escort girl treats the guest as if she would be his real girlfriend.

Erotic massage work is also an erotic work category, because the masseuse girls can provide extra services in addition to massage! Of course you can apply for a normal massage job, but if you would like to offer more in your service, then you can choose from erotic massage jobs, for more earnings. There are several types of classic relaxing massage, which are completely sex-free and erotic-free work, but on Red-Life you will usually find tantra massage work, which provides a tantric experience, also called touching the soul through the body! In each case, before filling out the application, ask about the specific job, what kind of massage it is and what the expected services are.

First of all, you should be sure, before you become an escort, that this kind of adult job is suitable for you. Becoming a professional escort is not only a well-paying job, but it's a lifestyle and it requires foresight. So before you apply for an escort job on Red-Life, be ready to change your whole life. Professional escort jobs requires language sklills, intelligence, style and charming behavior. If you got it all, you can start your escort carrier and you can be a successful, independent escort anywhere you want.

The "How do i get started as an escort?" is one of the most common question, because who doesn't want to know, how they can become a professional escort in a short time? As you can know, the escorts earn a lot, and they live a luxurious life, and you can have it also, if you find your dream escort job on Red-Life. You just have to apply for an escort job, and the dream can come true, as you learn how to act and behave like a professional. As a beginner, you can apply for the most escort agencies, because they are happy to teach you every little detail, to be the best. Don't be afraid, nobody born as a professional escort, you can learn everything and have fun with a lot of money at the same time.

Escort job means, that you escort someone, so they pay for your company and time, nothing else. Or course, if the chemistry is working, it can be lot more, but only if both of you are agreed. A successful escort know how to behave in every situation, and can be a loving girlfriend and a wild porn star at the same time. The client pays for entertainment, but also for a listening partner, that's why the GFE (girlfriend experience) is so popular. If you have few regulars, who pays for your time often, then you can feel yourself as a sugarbaby, but normally it's two different type of adult job.

If you already decided that you want to have adult job in UK, then you have to find on Red-Life the most suitable advertisement for you to become a sex worker. To be a sex worker means a lot, you can choose from plenty of adult job offers, depending on which kind of sex work would you like ho have, and where, because then you have the possibility to travel the world and earn a lot of money. You can be an escort, but also a porn star, but if you want something sensual and discreet, then you can find a lot of erotic massage job also. 

Becoming a stripper is easy if you feel good yourself on stage, and you like that every people are looking at you. On Red-Life you can find plenty of nightclubs in United Kingdom, strip clubs and lap dancing venue that are constantly looking for help. The new strippers always earn more, so don't be afraid, if you're not professional for the first time on stage, they will reward your beginner spirits. Most of the jobs where you can become a stripper, offers you opportunity to learn the basics, but also you can go to pole dance course, where they teach you everything.

Trustworthy advertising site

We operate as an independent and impartial advertising site and we verify all incoming content (ads, advertisers, forum).

Most registered members

We have 89798 active registered members right now & monthly 1368 new users register on our site. Join us too!

100% discretion and safety

We offer maximum discretion and safety for both applicants and advertisers. We use countless security and verify features to do this.

Verified, real job offers

All job offers are immediately and strictly checked and untrue or suspicious ads are deactivated before they appear on the site! For us, your safety comes first!

Useful news and features

We provide interesting and useful information about the world of erotic jobs, and we also offer important features for job searching and offering. Sign up and always log in!

Verified / Not verified

3 types of badges are used to identify ads and advertisers which appear in the contact box of the ads, in the list view of all ads, and on the advertiser's profile!


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Choose a unique username and a password that's easy for you to remember. Enter your email address accurately, as this is where your registration details will be sent.

  • Using the forum
  • Private messaging between registered members
  • Add to favourites, search alert
  • Quick application, autofill your contact details
  • Get contact details from free classified ads or user profile
  • Secret work and advertising offers
  • Reveal hidden applicants
The content, images and text on this website may be of an erotic nature and is intended for adult visitors only, and may be offensive to some people. The content on this site is posted by our users and is their responsibility. If you are under the age of 18 (21 in some countries) or if you find the use of the site illegal or offensive, please leave the site.
By clicking on the NEXT button, you are entering the website and at the same time you declare that you are 18 years of age or older and that you agree to the use of cookies to ensure the best user experience.
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Enter your registered e-mail address and click on the 'Send' button! You will receive an email with a link to click on to set up your new password and log in immediately!