1:1 free exchange or payable order - banner & link & guest blog exchange, search engine optimization (SEO) & brand building -
Red-Life advertising network are available in 12 domains & 8 languages in Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Spain, but we also have an international adult work & escort job advertising site under red-life.com. We are looking for partners who - in a similar way like us - has a demanding, high-quality and visited erotic website, so we could help each other to further build our traffic and popularity.All of our domains have high DA and PA values, as well as a low 1% ‘spam score’ and they are more than 3 years old (even 10 year old domains).
Let's see the numbers:
10008 classified available at the moment! 65689 job offers have been posted so far! 812835 times jobseekers contacted our advertisers across all Red-Life sites! 140751 application forms have been filled out so far! 89798 registered, active members we currently have! 12336 credit upload so far! Our website was 2639414 times displayed in google in the last year! 175259 active e-mail subscribers to our newsletters! 15862 subscribers to our search alert!Banner / link / PR article (guest blog):
- BANNER (220x100) OR LINK exchange on home site + all subpage
LOCATION: On the main page & at the bottom of each sub-page in the 'Partners' section above the footer (also appears on mobile, tablet, PC).
Only for strong partner websites above 30 DA & PA, who will display our banner / link on the main & all subpages in the same way! - Only at our partners subpage: For partner websites that only place us on their 'Partners' subpage
- Guest blog post exchange in our popular adult work & escort job blog is possible with unlimited characters and 1-2 keyword link + custom profile picture creating by us. You just have to send us your own guest post in pdf of word and publish our quality PR article on your strong domain too (above 30 DA & PA). Paid guest blog available!
Choose our banner of the right size for you (we will make a custom size on request) and put it on your website, then let us know at [email protected] and we will display your banner.
Our banners:

Our partners


